at the drop of a hat


at the drop of a hat 的定义

  1. Immediately, without delay, as in We were ready to pack our bags and go on vacation at the drop of a hat. This phrase probably alludes to signaling the start of a race or other contest by dropping a hat. [Late 1800s]

at the drop of a hat 近义词

at the drop of a hat

等同于 readily

更多at the drop of a hat例句

  1. France 24 is providing live, round-the-clock coverage of both scenes as they progress.
  2. ROME — What does it take for a Hollywood A-lister to get a private audience with Pope Francis?
  3. Sands was involved in a scandalous-for-the-time romance with the carpenter and there were rumors she was pregnant with his child.
  4. Three on-the-record stories from a family: a mother and her daughters who came from Phoenix.
  5. During an emergency that ratio could be allowed to drop to 8.5 people per orbit.
  6. Before he could finish the sentence the Hole-keeper said snappishly, "Well, drop out again—quick!"
  7. Behold a dumpy, comfortable British paterfamilias in a light flannel suit and a faded sun hat.
  8. Sleek finds it far harder work than fortune-making; but he pursues his Will-o'-the-Wisp with untiring energy.
  9. Now-a-days it is the bankrupt who flouts, and his too confiding creditors who are jeered and laughed at.
  10. On his head was the second-hand hat of some parvenu's coachman, gold lace, cockade and all.